fubumousepad.jpg (11332 bytes)

Check this out all! Free fubu mousepads for peeps who visit this site: Y2G. I don't know if they still are giving out these pads, if they ain't. Hit me up with a message.

Phat Pages Hip Hop Lyrics










This is the next PP project. We launched this web page for the start of the new millenium. Discovering that we have a lot of lyrics with help from the original site, which contains more hip hop lyrics, OHHLA. We added these lyrics here and know made a single lyrics page, only hip hop related, no R&B. My bad for all, for the late arrival of this site. As for the audios, we don't think we're going to make any progress for that, as it takes up valuable web space as well as it takes too long to find the songs you peeps are looking for. We added this freestyles section where visitors/mc drop their freestyles for others to see. You can drop your freestyles at the B-Board. If you peeps own a site and want your banner featured or a link in our Phat Links section, hit me up with a message at: classic_enemy@yahoo.com (note: i rarely check my e-mail, so it might be better if you have icq, to icq message me: 16791003).